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Work Samples

Click on any of the links below to view projects I have completed.
Photo: © Kelsey Prima, 2014


Marketing and Recruitment Plan for U.S. STEM Students
I was one part of a five person team where we worked with the director of the Education Abroad Office at the University of Connecticut to increase the amount of STEM students studying abroad, where the final project of this course was to complete a recruitment plan for our client. 
Orientation Workshop for Brazilian Students Studying Abroad in the U.S.
Three IEM colleagues and I created an orientation for Brazilian college students who are studying abroad in the United States.
U.S. Students with Disabilities & Study Abroad
I discuss the current situation on students with disabilities from the United States who study abroad while in undergrad.
Staff Management Handbook
This resource is an assortment of resources for managing staff in an international context, in addition to an evaluation of each resource.
Mock Conference Presentation
I created a brief presentation in the form of a YouTube video about international students at community colleges.
Proposal for Program Development
Three colleagues and I developed a program proposal for the Salinas Valley Dream Academy to assert their mission to serving high school students across four high schools in East Salinas.
As a part of a 5 person team in my Social Entrepreuneurship in the Hispanic World course, I produced an online profile completely in Spanish about a microcredit lender that will host financial literacy courses, which is the direct result of a recent collaboration between the Middlebury Institute's Center for Social Impact Learning and the city of Salinas, California.
Program Design & Assessment Plan
In collaboration with the Custom Programs department at CEA Global Education, one of my IEM colleagues and I developed a design and assessment plan for a student evaluation upon completion of a faculty-led program that focuses on provider logistics and intercultural competence.


Continuous Assessment of Faculty-Led Program Processes
To gain context on how the Global Experiences realm of the Center for Global Education at UW-Whitewater adheres to quality assurance standards in international education and education abroad, I drafted an assessment on how staff can continue to improve on current processes according to NAFSA and the Forum on Education Abroad.
Faculty and Staff Leader Informational Materials
Based on the information gathered from my first practicum project, I utilized this as a foundation to design faculty and staff leader informational materials, which included: an addendum to the Leading Faculty-Led International Courses Handbook, an information sheet for prospective faculty and staff leaders, and a couple of presentation slides for a "How to Draft a Successful Proposal" workshop.
Redesigning Reentry Design Plan
The CGE Director suggested that there should be an intercultural competency component into reentry orientation for returned study abroad students, so this design plan incorporates that recommendation.
Career Development Workshop Design Plan
While developing the redesign of the reentry orientation, I found a number of resources that integrate education abroad experience with undergraduate students' career development, which merited its own event that would be part of a reentry module held every semester.
Social Media Manual
During the beginning of my internship, I realized that the social media presence was disjointed, in terms of how many official streams originated from the CGE, target audiences, and frequency of posting content. Because of this, I saw a need for a social media manual aimed at CGE staff and student workers on strategizing content for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Parent Promotion Strategy
Prior to my arrival, there was nothing in place targeted at parents of prospective study abroad students currently enrolled at UW-Whitewater. Since parents play a key role in their students decisions during college, there needed to be a strategy implemented to inform these influencers of the value of a global experience. This is aimed at all parents, but it places an emphasis on those who are Spanish speaking.
Latino Student Promotion Strategy
In UW-Whitewater's Generation Study Abroad Commitment Pledge, they promised to increase the amount of students from underrepresented minorities who study abroad. I learned from conversations with the CGE Director and Global Experiences Coordinators, Latino students are largest minority on campus yet are the group that least studies abroad. Being a first generation Latina who studied abroad, I viewed this as an opportunity to advocate on the benefits of this high-impact practice across campus to staff and students.
Photo: © Amy Marrion, 2015
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